Welcome to VOS
The Virginia Orthopaedic Society is the premier voice for musculoskeletal health care in the Commonwealth of Virginia, working to enhance the overall quality of orthopaedic care and to create a favorable environment for its delivery.
Program | Faculty| Registration
PRINTABLE REGISTRATION (For those paying by check)
Discounted rates available through April 2, 2025
VOS Group rate from $330**. Rate available through April 2 or when the block fills, whichever occurs first.
**Resort fee of $35 per night (included in rate and will appear as $365) will be waived upon check in.
News and Announcements
2025 Legislative Recap
The 2025 Virginia General Assembly Session is nearing the end, with adjournment scheduled for February 22nd. While it’s a “short” session, it certainly has been eventful. With the upcoming elections in November, politics have played a major role this session. However, we’ve had some great victories thus far for the House of Medicine and our patients. Our biggest win was the defeat of SB 904 (Sen. Stanley), legislation that would have repealed the current medical malpractice cap. The current law, which was passed in 2012, has helped make Virginia one of the best states for providers to practice in. Repealing this law would have a significant impact on recruiting and retaining providers in Virginia, which would lead to a lack of access for Virginia patients. The bill was defeated in the Senate Finance committee and is dead for the year.
Another big win has been the passage of legislation to protect health care providers from violence and threats of violence in the workplace. HB 2269 (Del. Tran) and SB 1260 (Sen. Aird) require hospitals to establish a workplace violence incident reporting system to document, track and analyze any incident of workplace violence reported. Both bills have passed the legislature and are on their way to the Governor for his signature.
As always, your lobbyist and advocacy team in Richmond will continue to look out for you and your patients’ best interests!
Please support your PAC today:
Contribute HERE, or mail a check payable to OrthoPAC to 118 N. 8th Street, Richmond, VA 23219.
Past Meeting Highlights
Member Benefits
The Virginia Orthopaedic Society is committed to addressing the needs of the orthopaedic surgeon. We care about you and your practice. The benefits of becoming a member are numerous and include...
The official news publication of the Virginia Orthopaedic Society. Stay up to date with the current edition and check out past editions. New publications posted once every quarter!
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